When the world is so troubled, what can we do?
Witnessing the deep pain and suffering of innocent people at the hands of unjustifiable evil this past week has been excruciating. So much tragedy has affected our world recently — more than I ever imagined I would see in my own lifetime. All of this devastation can become overwhelming. A feeling of doom and helplessness can set in, and we ask ourselves, "What do we do?”.
The first thing to do is to check in with yourself. Your well-being is imperative to a fulfilling life, and it matters because we depend on each other. If you are overwhelmed with distress or anxiety and you need support, reach out to a mental health professional or crisis counselor.
Check on your friends. We are in this together. The actions of one, or a few, affect all of us. Grieve together. Listen with your full attention. Support with a full heart.
Limit your exposure to the news if it is too distressing for you. It is important to stay informed but know when enough is enough. Set a time to inform yourself (not too close to bedtime) and stick to it. Find a source you trust.
Look for people who are helping. Helping others is empowering. It gives you a sense of purpose when you feel powerless. Witnessing helpers is inspiring. If you can help in some way, do it. Volunteer, donate, or offer words of support. Not only will you be contributing to the greater good, but the feeling of alleviating or lessening the suffering of others will boost your own self-worth.
Take care of yourself. Beyond seeking mental health support if you need it, know what fills you up. Movement or exercise is good for you and offers stress relief. Being in nature is healing. Write in a journal if that helps you process your emotions. Perhaps you find comfort in prayer or meditation.
I offer the meditation below if you think it would lend support as you navigate these troubling times.
Meditation for Steadiness in Difficult Times
I am sending love to all, especially to those who are in the midst of suffering. Know that I am mourning alongside you.