Hello there.
I hope you are enjoying this strange holiday season. Midweek holidays can be disorienting. Some lucky people I have talked to are enjoying a nice, long vacation. But, it seems more common for people to be ping-ponging from work days to holidays to weekends, going from one place to the next, a little frantic, thinking about the next spot, maybe being tired but still not resting or being fully present where they are, and wondering what day it is.
It sounds a lot like modern life. Busy, busy, busy. Airport runs, gifts to drop off, returns to be posted, places to “drop by”. It can be really hard to slow down, especially when daily life is already so full.
It’s also that time of year when we will begin to see New Year’s Resolutions. Oh boy. That might feel like another thing to do, right? Get in shape. Lose weight. Spend more time traveling. Set financial goals. Get to bed earlier. Read more. Learn a new skill. These are very likely good and positive things.
Before you make any resolutions, I urge you to consider what really might work for you. Resolution talk is everywhere. I have even noticed mainstream marketing using resolutions to sell you things. You know you don’t really have to buy a cargo load of plastic bins to get organized, right?
Making healthy choices is always a great idea, but resolutions tend to be fixed and rigid. In real life, some days you need more rest. Other days you would get a needed boost from waking up early to hit the gym. I urge you to see what works for you day to day and moment to moment and stick with that. But how?
For me, living more mindfully is always a good idea. You never know what is coming around the bend. Having a consistent meditation practice helps you adapt, think clearly, and respond thoughtfully. I’m sending you the most simple meditation there is this week — practicing being present to the moment you are already in.
And as this year winds down, I want to wish all of you a joyful holiday season.
May we be filled with gratitude for our blessings and be mindful of the most meaningful things of all — the love of family and friends, the connections we have to one another, our health and safety, and the well-being of all living things.
Present Moment Awareness
Happy New Year!