It felt fitting to send the year’s highest-rated meditation out to everyone this week.
The title says it all: Finding Joy in the Midst of Difficulties
How lucky are we to be here? Our world, which offers tumult and challenge, also brings moments of magnificent joy. We prefer the feeling of joy, yet we all experience our share of difficulty. It seems like it’s one or the other, but in reality, we experience them together. It’s not joy OR difficulty. It’s joy AND difficulty, always.
We can always find joy. I am not suggesting that you deny or ignore hardships, and I know they can be overwhelming. It is important to be clear-eyed when it comes to difficulties so that you can make proper assessments and the right choices. But, when you are going through a challenging time, remember that joy is always around you. You don’t have to manufacture joy. It is already there. I get a lot of joy from keeping track of Flaco, the owl who escaped from the Central Park Zoo earlier this year. That’s him in the photo above. He’s about two feet tall and has been peeping in New Yorkers’ windows. Can you imagine?
Joy doesn’t have to be a big wow moment. It exists in the mundane. Joy can be found in the familiar softness of your favorite blanket, the coffee that warms your hands, or in your favorite article of clothing —the one you reach for first when your clothes are fresh out of the wash.
In your meditation practice and your life, you can notice the small ways that joy is already present.
This applies to meditation too. When we meditate we begin to slow our busy minds and bodies. We might be met with difficult emotions, disruptive thoughts, or physical discomfort. When it feels too challenging, remember to look for more joy or ease in the present moment. When something difficult comes up, don’t try to change it. Just let it be as it is, and see where you can find concurrent joy. It’s always there. I promise.
Finding Joy in the Midst of Difficulty
I hope that you find much joy this holiday season and in the new year.
Speaking of the new year, meet me here next week with an idea of something you would like more of in the coming year. Maybe joy? We will set some intentions. The technique I use is a little different. I think you’ll like it.
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