We are keeping it short this week because life is feeling especially busy. End-of-year school events, wedding season, summer travel — all upon us.
When life gets busy, meditation is a great tool to check in with yourself. What’s happening within you that you may not be fully aware of? Is there a subtle emotion lurking, a preoccupation, or a general sense of uneasiness? For example, if you are busy hurrying from one thing to the next, are you rushing so much that you forget to enjoy the very events you agreed to attend?
Slowing down and noticing is the very first step in developing mindfulness. Check in with yourself and notice the emotions, thoughts, and biases you are carrying.
When you bring mindfulness to a situation, you possess a double-vision superpower. Your awareness of internal events informs the mindset you bring to external events. With this newly found information, you get to make adjustments. What will you make room for more of? What can you let go of? What’s holding you back?
Becoming aware of what is going on with our inside life gives us a step up as we navigate our outside life, and this is an excellent move toward more skillfully managing whatever life tosses our way.
Let’s try it. Here is a five-minute plan to get you started. Get calm and notice what arises for you.
Moment of Calm
See you back here next week.
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