Hello there.
How is the new year going?
The other day on Instagram, someone I follow but don’t know personally posted about meditation. He said, “Apparently, there is a meditation practice called loving kindness where you send good vibes to people you know.” And he was feeling it.
Oh, how I love this take.
Loving-kindness meditation can be as simple as that. Send good vibes to people you know. Done!
Imagine if everyone began their day on this positive note—wishing for the best for the people we care about. We hopefully intend that anyway, right? But what if we made it a formal part of our day and actually made it a meditation? Love that idea. It can be this simple!
I know what some of you are thinking. C’mon. Vibes? Really? Do the people feel the vibes, and does it change their day? I don’t know. But I do know that by focusing on other people, you are shifting your thoughts onto community, and by wanting the best for them you are fostering positivity, and that can change the trajectory of your thinking in the best way.
And what about sending “good vibes” beyond the people we know?
It becomes a little more complicated when we wish for the best for ourselves. That can be hard for some people. But let’s add that. Take care of yourself.
Let’s also send “good vibes” to neutral people —people we are familiar with but perhaps don’t know well. The doorman. The barista. They want to be happy too. We might treat people better in general if we stop and consider that we all want the same thing. They have loved ones, complications, and rich, full lives just as we do. Good vibes to them too.
What about strangers? We can send positivity to strangers walking their dogs—may you be healthy. The child having a tantrum in the airport—may you be happy. The parents of said child—may you be patient. You get the idea. Be creative. It’s rather fun.
Can we send a little love to people we have negative feelings for? Maybe they really need it. It’s a tough one for sure. Maybe start with someone we only dislike a little. We all have a frenemy. Someone who annoys you? You can leave this category out if things are feeling overwhelming.
What the heck, let’s send our highest thoughts to all living beings. Humans, animals, plants. All living things, everywhere, without exception. That would be something. If we all truly wanted the best for people, instead of the seeming current desire for a “gotcha moment.” Wouldn't we all be better off? Our culture has become so divided and aggressive. Sending love and kindness to all would be a step in the right direction. It would feel better. Honestly, we could all stand to be more patient and kind.
But, and I mean this wholeheartedly, I love my Instagram friend Tom’s take too. Make this practice work for you. Send good vibes to the people you know. It is an excellent way to start. You can use the traditional phrases below or make up your own.
May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be free from pain. May you live with ease. Today and always.
Or, try the full traditional loving-kindness meditation practice below. Whatever works for you.
Loving-Kindness Meditation
Sending you good vibes always.
xx Page